Madeleine Åstrand
Scientific processes have always interested me and the desire to unite them with other disciplines like poetry, philosophy and psychology has always been great. I seek expressions for unity between material and immaterial, between the defined and undefined, existent and non-existent
The geometric forms have been in focus the last years. Fibonaccis calculations has been a great source of inspiration as well as Heisenbergs uncertainity relation. I ask myself if the inner energy and mental states tends to accumulate in the same way?
My latest project is a study in energy and geometry where I work intuitionally but with a clear idea. I focus on the calculations of Fibonacci and do my own interpretations for a new language within the forms.
Born 1982
Based in Stockholm
Konsthögskolan i Malmö, Lunds Universitet
Bachelor in Fine arts
Pernbys school of painting
Södertörns Högskola
Bachelor in Economics, in collaboration with KTH and Konstfack
Gustav och Ida Unmans stipendiefond, 2009
Helge Ax:son Johnson stiftelse, 2022
Helge Ax:son Johnson 2024´